Producer: Gustavo Flores
André González
Nano Ruvalcaba
Location: Sierra de Tapalpa, Jalisco, MX

Step into a realm where fire dances in harmony with the lives of communities, forging an elemental connection that spans from hearths to farmlands and beyond.

"A Glimpse into Elemental Cohabitation"

Imagine a world where fire isn't just a destructive force, but a vital element that shapes the lives of communities. "TLET" invites you into this realm, where fire and human existence intertwine in a captivating dance of cohabitation. The trailer sparks intrigue, offering a glimpse into the profound relationship between fire and the communities it embraces.

"Stories that Illuminate"

The Sierra de Tapalpa, Jalisco, MX, sets the stage for this enthralling narrative. Through the stories of the protagonists, we witness how fire becomes an intimate part of their daily existence. From traditional hearths to agricultural practices, the trailer unveils the multifaceted ways fire shapes livelihoods, traditions, and even identities. The experiences shared in the trailer allow us to witness the resilience of communities in the face of both the beauty and potential danger fire presents.

"The Unveiling of Threat and Resilience"

While fire is a source of warmth and sustenance, it also holds an underlying threat that can test the strength of communities. The trailer hints at the potential challenges and dangers posed by fire, illustrating how these communities have adapted to coexist with both its benevolent and formidable aspects. It showcases their resilience and wisdom in navigating the delicate balance between harnessing fire's benefits and safeguarding against its destructive potential.

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