Hold It Back

Production: Josue Castro
André González
Nano Ruvalcaba
Art Director:
Bernardo Balderas
MUA: Diana Carrasco
AC: Vianey Pérez
PA: Luis Monroy
San Pancho, Nayarit, MX
THE GIVER - Bernardo Applegate

We invite you to vibe into the mesmerizing world of "Hold it Back," a music video created for the independent DJ sensation, The Giver.

"Capturing the Essence"

The heart of "Hold it Back" lies in its ability to capture the essence of camaraderie, music, and adventure. The video's narrative follows a group of friends whose chance encounter while skateboarding leads to an unforgettable journey. As they share their love for music, dance, and the breathtaking sunsets of remarkable surf spots, viewers are immersed in a world of youthful energy and free-spirited exploration.

"Unveiling the Musical Visual Journey"

From the picturesque backdrop of San Pancho, Nayarit, MX, emerges a music video that seamlessly merges the auditory and visual realms. Crafted by the talented photographer and filmmaker André González, along with cinematography direction by Diego Ruvalcaba, this visual masterpiece transports you to an enthralling world where electronic music and stunning visuals intertwine.

"The Unforgettable Summer"

As the video unfolds, we witness the group of friends embracing the exhilarating beats of "The Giver," a DJ whose music becomes the soundtrack to their unforgettable summer. Through their shared experiences, the power of music and dance brings them closer, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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